Brannagan Executive Assessment (Cost £17) Executive deficits are commonly found in individuals with brain injury and can have a profound effect on recovery and quality of life. However, it can be difficult to accurately measure executive deficits. Individuals with brain injury can “talk a good story” during therapy sessions and have no awareness of their problems.
Standardized assessments rarely measure how well an individual will do in real life. They rarely evaluate the self-awareness that is critical for recovery. And they rarely provide the flexibility required to determine an individual’s specific needs.
The Brannagan Executive Functions Assessment provides a real-life assessment of executive functions that is adaptable to the individual. Although this tool has not been clinically tested for reliability and validity, it offers a unique and time-tested method of assessment.
What makes our assessment tool different?
- It provides definitions of executive function skills, so that all parties share equal understanding of each problem.
- It tests an individual’s ability to cope with real life situations such as planning a party or travel, using logic and reasoning to complete a job, or using self-control in a social situation.
- It highlights meta-cognition—the self-awareness and self-regulation critical for recovery.
- It provides standardized marking sheets so that specific skill sets can be accurately measured and goals can be created.
What is important in the Brannagan Executive Functions Assessment is not a one-time score or a black and white value, but the journey that the individual takes while completing a task. We hope you find it as useful as we have!
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