Hero's Journey!
Hero's Journey!
Group education and therapy is highly constructive for individuals with brain injury. The benefits of camaraderie and shared experiences are unmatched compared to any other form of therapy.
Organizing a group session, or even pulling together family members, can be challenging enough. But then, what do you talk about? How can you organize the session so that each person participates? How can you lead individuals on their journey to acceptance, adaptation, and recovery?
Hero's Journey provides such a curriculum. With 51 stories that offer a light-hearted approach to key concepts, our books use analogies, similes, and images to help guide each brain injury hero on their journey. The stories present complex ideas in an easy-to-understand, quick-to-administer, fun-to-follow manner.
Our guide is meant for groups, families, and individuals who need a little structure when dealing with the specific problems in brain injury. Each story ends with a task to ensure that each concept is understood before progressing onto the next. After completing the curriculum, each story can then be revisited as needed.
We have found much success with Hero's Journey and many others have reported a positive response. If you need a tool to help your patients gain insight and awareness, look no further than Hero's Journey
El viaje del Heroe (Hero's Journey)
15 adventures, 16 challenges and 20 insights to help adjustments following brain injury.
The whole process of adaptation following brain injury is a Hero's Journey - hence the title of the book. Anyone who manages to make this adjustment successfully is a hero and should be honoured as such.
This book has been written to help improve the quality of life for people following brain injury. We have run education groups over many years and during this time we have discovered that certain concepts are key in helping people move forward in rehabilitation. The 51 stories, analogies, similes and images that we have used in this book form the basis of the Education Group we have run with our patients over the last decade or so. It works!
Each concept is presented as an image with a story. Explanatory text is also included. Images and stories provide a quick and easy way to understand some quite complex ideas.
El viaje del Heroe (Hero's Journey)
Price: 18.99 |
15 eventyr, 16 udfordringer og 20 måder at få indsigt på, som alle skal fremme tilpasning efter hjerneskade
Hele tilpasningsprocessen efter en hjerneskade er en Heltefærd - heraf bogens titel. Enhver, for hvem det lykkes at gennemføre denne tilpasning med godt udfald, er en helt og bør hædres som sådan.
Vi har skrevet denne bog for at hjælpe til med til at forbedre livskvaliteten for mennesker efter, at de er blevet ramt af en hjerneskade. Vi har ledet uddannelsesgrupper igennem mange år, og i den tid har vi opdaget, at visse begreber er nøglen til at hjælpe mennesker fremad i rehabilitering. De 51 historier, analogier, sammenligninger og metaforer, vi har brugt i denne bog, har – i det sidste årti – dannet basis for vores uddannelsesgruppe. Det virker!
Hvert begreb præsenteres som en illustration med en historie. Forklarende tekst er også medtaget. Billeder og historier er en nem metode til hurtig forståelse nogle ganske komplekse ideer.
Price: 18.99 |
Hero's Journey!
15 adventures, 16 challenges and 20 insights to help adjustments following brain injury.
The whole process of adaptation following brain injury is a Hero's Journey - hence the title of the book. Anyone who manages to make this adjustment successfully is a hero and should be honoured as such.
This book has been written to help improve the quality of life for people following brain injury. We have run education groups over many years and during this time we have discovered that certain concepts are key in helping people move forward in rehabilitation. The 51 stories, analogies, similes and images that we have used in this book form the basis of the Education Group we have run with our patients over the last decade or so. It works!
Each concept is presented as an image with a story. Explanatory text is also included. Images and stories provide a quick and easy way to understand some quite complex ideas.
Hero's Journey!
Price: 18.99 |